
Showing posts from March, 2024

Entry #6: Bruster's Real Ice Cream!

A big part of my life, just like everyone else, is work. Lucky for me, my work revolves around ice cream. I work at Bruster's Real Ice Cream and I am very proud to say so. I have worked there coming up on a year this month. This job is not only fun and in a good environment, but very understanding. The owner works around my school schedule so I can work and go to school. It is very important to be happy at work and this is why.  Image Source  Working in a good environment is great for so many reasons. One of these reasons is that a good work environment means there is also good work being done. According to Zipdo , approximately 70% of employees exceed what they are expected of when they have a good working environment. I can assure you that this is definitely the case at Bruster's. Along with the increased productivity, another advantage of working in a good environment is that it increases job satisfaction. Employees are more likely to stay at a workplace and enjoy it when th

Entry #5: School is Cool!

 You might recall being a little kid and ALWAYS having to get up for school and being told the importance of school. My own experience was my parents explaining to me that they didn't finish school so I should. That is because we are taught from a young age that learning will benefit us in the long run. It is so true because our education not only makes us smarter for daily situations, but also for jobs. After high school, looking for jobs can be tough. Higher education certificates can make this easier and even get you more money. Image Source Some students might think that a high school certificate implies the end of school. Technically, that is true, it does, but there is so much more education you can get after high school. College, for example, is the next step in education. Getting a college degree can help significantly in life. The average income for people with high school degrees in Arizona according to Azcentral is $38,423. Compare this to the average income for those w

Entry #4: Being a twin!

One of the biggest parts of my life, since I was born of course, is being a twin! It is such a blessing to be a twin and it is also very unique. I am an identical twin so that means that both my sister and I come from the same fertilized egg. I am going to explain a little more on how twins are formed and also how we share the same DNA.  Identical twins are monozygotic . This means that one single egg splits into two separate embryos. Something to help with the understanding of identical twins is that they come from the same genetic material. This means their DNA is almost exactly the same. Although we come from the same egg, we are not exact copies of each other. Genetic mutations play a part in this. This is because over time, DNA grows so we are now doing it independently. Going further into this, identical twins look very alike. Here is an example of my twin and I!  As you can see, we look extremely alike! This tends to have people confusing us a lot. There are things that distingu

Entry #3: Slanted News!

It is a well known observation that news that is presented on television can be very one-sided. Have you ever watched one news channel that seems to say things in a very different context than another? I have and it can be very obvious. This is because news outlets on television can be slanted. Slanted news is another way to say bias. Slanted news channels give out their opinions without actually saying it. This can lead to their viewers not getting the whole picture on news.      The image to the right is a cartoon that shows that news channels are aware of their slanting and bias.  In fact, "overall, about eight-in-ten Americans (79%) say news organizations tend to favor one side when presenting the news on political and social issues"  (Walker and Gottfried). Despite almost 80% of Americans acknowledging  the slanted news, outlets continue to give out news this way.