Entry #5: School is Cool!

 You might recall being a little kid and ALWAYS having to get up for school and being told the importance of school. My own experience was my parents explaining to me that they didn't finish school so I should. That is because we are taught from a young age that learning will benefit us in the long run. It is so true because our education not only makes us smarter for daily situations, but also for jobs. After high school, looking for jobs can be tough. Higher education certificates can make this easier and even get you more money.

Some students might think that a high school certificate implies the end of school. Technically, that is true, it does, but there is so much more education you can get after high school. College, for example, is the next step in education. Getting a college degree can help significantly in life. The average income for people with high school degrees in Arizona according to Azcentral is $38,423. Compare this to the average income for those with college degrees who make $65,792. That is almost double the amount! 

Going to school is not for everybody. Everyone has their own situations and own mindset. Regardless, it is important to spread the awareness of higher education. Poverty is very high in Arizona and that is for many reasons. One way to insure a good job and salary is to get a college degree. Take this as your encouragement to either go to college or finish it. It is rewarding in the long run!


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