Entry #6: Bruster's Real Ice Cream!

A big part of my life, just like everyone else, is work. Lucky for me, my work revolves around ice cream. I work at Bruster's Real Ice Cream and I am very proud to say so. I have worked there coming up on a year this month. This job is not only fun and in a good environment, but very understanding. The owner works around my school schedule so I can work and go to school. It is very important to be happy at work and this is why. 
Working in a good environment is great for so many reasons. One of these reasons is that a good work environment means there is also good work being done. According to Zipdo, approximately 70% of employees exceed what they are expected of when they have a good working environment. I can assure you that this is definitely the case at Bruster's. Along with the increased productivity, another advantage of working in a good environment is that it increases job satisfaction. Employees are more likely to stay at a workplace and enjoy it when the environment is good for them. I can also vouch for this. Bruster's has been my longest job to date! 
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When I first got employed at Bruster's, I didn't realize I would like this job so much. Of course, work is work, but I have grown to really enjoy going to work. I can say that this is not only because of my managers and coworkers, but it is also because of the way the job is designed. The owner has really created a good working environment!


  1. Victoria excellent job and it amazing how you found a job that you enjoy.No pun intended. But keep scooping ice-cream and I hope the environment stays good but mostly enjoyable.

  2. Hi Victoria! That's so fun that you work at an ice cream shop! I can relate to you because the job I work at right now is my favorite job i have ever had. It's not even that my job is fun but it is more so because my managers are actually so nice and enjoyable people to be around.

  3. Hi Victoria, i love this blog. I think its beautiful that you enjoy your job. I know its hard to find jobs that you actually like or have the opportunity to build good relationships with your coworkers and boss

  4. Hello! That's amazing you have found such a job that makes you feel this way, jobs like these are hard to find now with low pay and bad management! Its always good to create new bonds and make friends at the workspace maybe even get yourself some free deserts!

  5. Hi Victoria ! I've always wanted to try Bruster's ice cream and this makes me wanna try it even more. I love hearing that they have a good work environment and treat their employees well.


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