Entry #3: Slanted News!

It is a well known observation that news that is presented on television can be very one-sided. Have you ever watched one news channel that seems to say things in a very different context than another? I have and it can be very obvious. This is because news outlets on television can be slanted. Slanted news is another way to say bias. Slanted news channels give out their opinions without actually saying it. This can lead to their viewers not getting the whole picture on news.     

The image to the right is a cartoon that shows that news channels are aware of their slanting and bias. In fact, "overall, about eight-in-ten Americans (79%) say news organizations tend to favor one side when presenting the news on political and social issues" (Walker and Gottfried). Despite almost 80% of Americans acknowledging the slanted news, outlets continue to give out news this way.

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Slanted or bias news has been going on for a while. It seems to have grown significantly recently. Keep in mind that just like everything else, news channels are scripted and have an agenda. So, when deciding where to find news, make sure to look at multiple channels and websites to get the whole picture!            

Walker, Mason, and Jeffrey Gottfried. “Americans Blame Unfair News Coverage on Media Outlets, Not the Journalists Who Work for Them.” Pew Research Center, www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/28/americans-blame-unfair-news-coverage-on-media-outlets-not-the-journalists-who-work-for-them/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20about%20eight-in-ten%20Americans%20%2879%25%29%20say%20news%20organizations. Accessed 3 Mar. 2024.


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