Entry #9: Thumbs Up or Down?!

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When looking deeper into the media, especially social media, it is almost impossible to not see the effects that it has on society. Of course, this could be positive or negative. In what I have seen, it is both. The two major things I have seen recently is that social media can be a place that is both very dangerous and it can open up many opportunities. 

It has been taught in schools and from parts how dangerous the internet can be. We are always told that once something is on the internet, it is there forever. We are also told that once you send a picture, it will be in the web forever. This is so true and it is not always taken seriously enough. Social media users often post things online that can affect their futures with careers and their peers. This is due to users oversharing. Social media posting is not always bad though. Some influencers have gotten many opportunities, that they wouldn't have otherwise, gotten if they didn't start posting. For example, Charli D'amelio gained fame from posting videos on TikTok of dancing. She is now a millionaire because of all the opportunities and fame that she got. 

Overall, social media and the internet are wild places. So many things can happen when using it and I have really noticed that lately. it is important that we recognize this and use it as safely as possible. Make sure to be careful when using the internet, especially social media. It can be great when used correctly.


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