Entry #8: Connection with Music!

Music has such a big impact on the world. It can mean so many things to different people .Personally, music has a special place in my heart. It has helped me connect to different feelings a coping as well as inspire me. Artists have a big part of music. This is because they write sings, produce music and find ways to connect to their audience. Artists don't have to be the best to everyone in order to make a big impact in your life. I have two favorite artists right now. One of them is my boyfriend, who has not even made it big yet, and the other is a very popular artist. 

My boyfriend makes his own lyrics to songs and also sings them. He writes how he is feeling and puts it into a beat that works so well. He has grown so much in his music making and it is just amazing, He just recently got into making his own beats which further he's him express himself through music. Many artists that have made it big start off this way. In fact, my other favorite artists starting off the same way. Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, also known as The Weeknd, is my other favorite artist. He started of making music with just himself and his friends and now he has made it big. He has connected to his fans constantly throughout  his career and it really paid off. He is one of the most popular artists on the Spotify charts.

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My point is that people connect to music in their own ways. Artists make their connections with fans through feelings and lyrics. There are so many different types of music and that is that is so unique about it. Country music is so different from Pop music. Classical music can hardly compare to Rap. The main thing that these different genres have in common is that they are all music. I am sure that you have listen to music throughout your life, it is almost impossible to not have.


  1. Hi Victoria! I also feel that music has impacted my life in different ways. Not only have I began to grow a deep connection with the lyrics of songs, but also with the artists. I think that music helps bring us closer together, it is a great thing.

  2. zahraa Najim,

    I think music has a big part in peoples lives which has made them connect to certain types of music and feel a certain type of emotion when listening to the music. Great blog!

  3. Music is something that is so important these days. Music really helps many with focusing and for others it really helps clear their mind

  4. Music is most definitely a big part in peoples lives just due to the amount of variety there is and how it can affect a persons mood. Music can make us feel a certain type of way whether it's sad happy it doesn't matter. Great job.


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