Entry #10: Career Burnout!

In this economy, it is so hard to make a living going from working from job to job. Everyone seems to be encouraged to get a career. It is, of course, super beneficial to get a career. Getting a career means you would have a salary, potential health benefits and a secure job. Although the good things are always in the spotlight, it is important to recognize the not so good.

Career burnout is one of the biggest downfalls of careers. Career burnout, or occupational burnout, is when exhaustion from a workplace reduces efficiency. It is common for career burnout to take place within just a few years. This burnout can be caused by overworking, toxic environments and not making time for yourself. Working is essential to living in this society. People have bills to pay and food to buy. But it is important to realize that being happy is also essential. Many people seem to forget that work is not the only thing in life. 

When working for long period of time, learning to reward yourself is one way to help prevent career burnout. Making things fun and switching up routines is another wy. The number one priority within yourself should always be your well being. This trumps anything esle .So make sure you are happy and healthy before going to work!

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  1. Hello Victoria, I enjoyed reading your post! I can definitely agree with your statement. Burnout is a huge issue and it’s something to take in consideration. I believe people should take breaks for themselves whether is quitting, vacations, or even self-care. It is important to prioritize our wellbeing and mental health!

  2. I think it's a shame that people have to put so much effort into working just to provide for their families. I know a lot of people think burnout isn't real and that its just having a bad mentality. But that's far from the case, burnout is real and needs to be addressed because with how our economy is, I can only see it getting worse.

  3. I recently experienced a severe burnout from putting so much time into work and school. It was really bad, but I'm glad to have learned this lesson early on and not during my late 40's accompanied with a midlife crisis. It's important to take things slow and take care of yourself! Remember that and all will be well.

  4. Victoria--Solid finish to the blog project. You have some interesting topics and ideas, and some pretty good development. Keep digging and connecting to create significance for your audience. Good visual support and engagement. Perhaps you should keep blogging!


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