
Showing posts from April, 2024

Entry #10: Career Burnout!

In this economy, it is so hard to make a living going from working from job to job. Everyone seems to be encouraged to get a career. It is, of course, super beneficial to get a career. Getting a career means you would have a salary, potential health benefits and a secure job. Although the good things are always in the spotlight, it is important to recognize the not so good. Career burnout is one of the biggest downfalls of careers. Career burnout, or occupational burnout , is when exhaustion from a workplace reduces efficiency. It is common for career burnout to take place within just a few years. This burnout can be caused by overworking, toxic environments and not making time for yourself. Working is essential to living in this society. People have bills to pay and food to buy. But it is important to realize that being happy is also essential. Many people seem to forget that work is not the only thing in life.  When working for long period of time, learning to reward yourself is one

Entry #9: Thumbs Up or Down?!

Image Source When looking deeper into the media, especially social media, it is almost impossible to not see the effects that it has on society. Of course, this could be positive or negative. In what I have seen, it is both. The two major things I have seen recently is that social media can be a place that is both very dangerous and it can open up many opportunities.  It has been taught in schools and from parts how dangerous the internet can be. We are always told that once something is on the internet, it is there forever. We are also told that once you send a picture, it will be in the web forever. This is so true and it is not always taken seriously enough. Social media users often post things online that can affect their futures with careers and their peers. This is due to users oversharing. Social media posting is not always bad though. Some influencers have gotten many opportunities, that they wouldn't have otherwise, gotten if they didn't start posting. For example, Cha

Entry #8: Connection with Music!

Music has such a big impact on the world. It can mean so many things to different people .Personally, music has a special place in my heart. It has helped me connect to different feelings a coping as well as inspire me. Artists have a big part of music. This is because they write sings, produce music and find ways to connect to their audience. Artists don't have to be the best to everyone in order to make a big impact in your life. I have two favorite artists right now. One of them is my boyfriend, who has not even made it big yet, and the other is a very popular artist.  My boyfriend makes his own lyrics to songs and also sings them. He writes how he is feeling and puts it into a beat that works so well. He has grown so much in his music making and it is just amazing, He just recently got into making his own beats which further he's him express himself through music. Many artists that have made it big start off this way. In fact, my other favorite artists starting off the same

Entry #7: #WhatAreHashtags. #WhyDoWeUseThem. #LetMeExplain!

Hashtags are the little icons that look like the tic-tac-toe game. They are used for so many different reasons. Social media has intended the use of hashtags to connect its users. When people make a post and use a hashtag, it collects and puts all those posts in one place. It makes it so the click of a hashtag link can connect all of those posts. It creates a sense of community at the click of a hashtag.  Image Source Hashtags can say anything you want them to. Some users use hashtags to express themselves and others use them to gain fame. An example of that is on TikTok. It is possible to be put on the ForYou ou page by using the hashtag "#foryou." That page is the one that people see most often when they are scrolling. On instagram, it does the same thing. It begins to create a community. When, for example, people all have something in common, they might all use that specific hashtag to find others like them. Artists also use hashtags to look at what their fans link them to