Entry #2: Deeper into Hair Color!

I love to dye my hair. I have dyed it so much that I would say it is a big part of my life. Going from purple to blue to pink and now blue again has really made me learn a lot about the process of hair dye. It has also made me learn a lot about how the hair actually works when it comes to chemicals on it and it is very interesting! Although I have dyed it so much, it always seems to fade. Let me tell you a little bit about a few reasons that your hair may not hold color.

The most common reason that your hair is not holding color is because of damaged hair. When hair is damaged, the chemicals of the hair dye may not correctly stick to the hair. This can not only mean that the hair will not take the dye, but it can also mean that only certain pieces of hair will take the dye. This leaves a patchy look. Another reason that hair does not hold color is because the original hair color is too dark. It will be there but you may not even be able to see the color. The common fix for this is to bleach the hair. 
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Hair is very unique and genetically, everyone's hair is different. It is important to understand your hair before you dye it. Even after you dye it, your har might not take the chemicals the way you want it to. Because of this, make sure to keep up with it!


  1. Hi Victoria, I really enjoyed reading your blog post! It’s very cool that you enjoy dying your hair, especially with such fun colors! My hair is naturally red and I’ve had people tell me to never die it. I probably never will but I just absolutely love when other people do! I like how you talked about how much you like dying your hair and then also mentioned why some hair doesn’t hold hair die. And I really liked the photos you included!

  2. Hey Victoria, I also love dying my hair as well so I definitely connected to this post! This was very informative and taught me things about hair that I did not know. -Taty Munoz

  3. Hi Victoria! I love when I meet people that have had a long journey of different hair colors since I get really scared whenever I dye mine. I always have impulses to change my hair but I never go through with it, when reading your blog it reminded me about the first time I ever dyed my hair because the lady doing it told me that my hair took the bleach really well since I had virgin hair and now I wonder how many sessions i'd have to have go through now to get a lighter color. I really liked your blog, & i'm excited to read more of your entries!

  4. I always think about wanting to dye my hair but never go through with it because of how much you need to take care of it so I always love to see it on other people!

  5. Your passion for hair dye really shines through in your blog. I totally get the struggle with fading since I've dyed my hair purple twice throughout my life.

  6. Hey it’s zahraa! I also love dying my hair but it getting damaged is also a worry because you have to take care of it. but I feel like hair dying makes such a big change physically and mental for us.


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