Entry #1: ZZZZZZ

One of my hobbies are to sleep! Whenever I can, I will take a nap. It is common for us humans to lack the importance of understanding how much sleep your body needs. One of the things for humans to function is to get enough rest. Sleeping gives your body time to regenerate. Being a college student can means that getting rest can be very hard. Studies have shown that a great percent of college students do not get very good sleep. One suspicion for this is that they might not understand that it is so important. With this being said, I will dig deeper into consequences of sleep deprivation. 

To start with, sleep deprivation is, simply, not getting enough sleep. When you really look into it, your body will start to have problems from not sleeping for a long period of time.  After not sleeping for a long period of time or even if you're not frequently sleeping, the cognitive function in your brain starts to go down. Along with this, mood changes might begin and paranoia can begin to set in. Let's look into the good effects of getting quality sleep. Some benefits are reduced stress and, of course, increased brain function. It is basically the opposite of sleep deprivation. 

I love to rest because school and life can be stressful and a good nap will almost always be refreshing. In all, make sure to get your rest. We all have incredible bodies to take care of. Sleeping can be overlooked but just make sure to remember to sleep! 


  1. The formatting of this blog was excellent! It was really pleasing to read small paragraphs with just enough information, then to see a nice image that connects perfectly with the topic presented. I am definitely a part of the statistic regarding college students whom do not acquire adequate sleep. This blog definitely has me reconsidering my sleep schedule!

  2. This blog is most definitely interesting and should be enforced more. I feel everything this blog said is a fact and has me hooked. Perfectly set up with amazing information of how important naps and sleep can be!

  3. I will definitely agree with this I love sleeping. But I don't get enough often because of managing school work and daily life things that I have to get done. It always causes stress but when I do get the time to sleep I always feel more energized and motivated.

    1. This comment is mine. Zahraa najim

  4. Hi! I was also going to consider doing my hobby blog on sleeping too because I also love to sleep! However, now that college has started back up again I have realized it has been harder for me to get enough sleep, especially when I work almost full time as well. I will try to make sure to get more sleep in the future because as you stated, getting enough rest is super important!

  5. Your blog really helps me further understand the importance of sleep. I struggle to sleep with my college schedule. My entire morning is filled with classes and even when I'm done, I'm stuck at track practice for almost the entire afternoon. Once I get home, I'm occupied with homework which I usually spend my whole evening doing.


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